Used for one year
I never thought I’d get quiet so excited about reviewing rubber matting but having used this matting for a year now – they may not be the cheapest, but they’re worth it!
I’ve used several makes of mat for my horse’s stable over the years and I’ve always dreaded having to lift them to clean out the stable – it was definitely a two-man job.
Not anymore – the Equimat mats are really lightweight and so much easier to handle – now I’m not saying I enjoy the task of lifting them to clean my stable, but it’s definitely no longer such a chore – I can even move them on my own.
The mats I have are the 28mm, which is recommended for horses over 600kg. The greeen mats also brighten up the stable and they interlock like a jigsaw puzzle to give a neat and tidy finish.

Even in a large and oddly shaped stable, Equimat fits neatly and works really well
My stable is a bit of an odd shape, but this wasn’t problem to the team at Davies & Co – I sent them a diagram with the measurements on and they cut the mats to fit and even came out to fit them (this does have an additional cost). Because they were pre-cut it took no time at all and the mats were fitted in no time.
With other mats I’ve found that in warmer weather they expand which has caused the mats to rise up – this hasn’t happened with Equimat – warm weather, cold weather and the mats have stayed the same.
Mucking out is quick and easy – I still use a fair amount of bedding on top of the mats, but they’re easy to sweep and provide an anti-slip surface too.
After a year of use – my horse is in overnight all-year-round – there are no signs of wear at all.
They’ve recently been lifted for a spring clean and have gone back down easily and without a problem.
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