
Hack 1000 Leaderboard

Welcome to the #Hack1000Miles leaderboard and digital tracker!

This is your first step towards doing something incredible; setting a goal to work towards with your horse and celebrating the super-duper-ness that is hacking.

Miles ridden and recorded from 1 April 2024 until 31 March 2025 count towards the 2024 challenge.

Please do not back date your miles to any ridden before this start date — we will ask you to delete them. This is a fun, free challenge, and it is important that it is a level and fair playing field for everyone involved.

You can do your miles on more than one horse (either create one profile to log all miles or create two profiles, one for each horse) and the miles can be done with you in the saddle or leading your horse in-hand.

You can do your miles on more than one horse (either create one profile to log all miles or create two profiles, one for each horse) and the miles can be done with you in the saddle or leading your horse in-hand.
The only rule is that only hacking (this includes fun rides) counts!
We know that every single mile you ride — from one to the mighty 1,000 and every mile in between — is one more step towards being a happier, more confident rider who is well-bonded with their horse.
Create your profile, add an image of you and your horse and start recording your miles today.
So come on in and join us — it’s one of the best things you’ll ever do!
#Hack1000Miles is sponsored by Equisafety and Wintec

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Top Hackers 2024 / 2025

#NameTotal Mileage
1Rosie Martin2056.70
2Shauna Fowles1485.60
3krissie Jones1449.10
4Claire Wall1288.10
5Hex Emery1247.00
6Hev Emery1247.00
7Hayley Emery1243.00
8Alison Roberts1158.70
9Louise Clark1083.70
10Koren Marner1083.60
11Helen Chester1076.80
12Lynda Addison1070.03
13Sarah Burnley1064.60
14Cilla Claxton1059.20
15Fiona Valentine1058.36
16Leanne Derbyshire1030.90
17Christine Sutton1020.26
18Janet Cochrane1019.70
19Fenella Lloyd1013.79
20Lisa Kennedy1000.15
21Sadie Seymour994.00
22Heather Muir986.99
23Martina Diehl980.17
24Liz Roskell973.06
25Rebecca Holt903.23
26Pip Mead896.60
27Karen Power891.50
28Elaine Harrison880.90
29Karan Tett878.60
30Jess Viljakainen874.60
31Rebecca Coy864.20
32Debbie Whyte858.90
33Lisa Williams846.10
34Miranda Kavanagh843.44
35Jacqueline Corsie824.74
36Karen Malcolmson795.39
37Jane Taylor770.22
38Karola Dillenburger761.10
39Marion wills749.06
40Fiona Stebbings733.30
41Pamela Bartrip727.00
42Aby Frazer718.10
43sue Squirrell669.70
44Andrea Rees669.28
45Sally Thompson654.87
46Jane Milton652.00
47Fran Willmett639.80
48Anna Dawson-Jones614.80
49Lisa pick601.70
50Heather Williams601.36
51Samantha Campling598.91
52Emma Jones597.62
53Jen Clancy591.90
54Amanda Phelps589.90
55Angela Hughes587.33
56Amanda Barker582.10
57Penny Fleetwood576.00
58Katerina Smith570.19
59Liz Paul566.96
60Jane Atack564.77
61Jackie Williams557.30
62Abigail & Gill Ray556.80
63Sarah Rawson553.20
64Claire Harper548.12
65Tammie Search546.70
66Judith Clark542.90
67Ellie Macbain-Williams540.60
68jill seeley535.90
69Emma Davies526.70
70Julia Hewerdine523.10
71Julia Watson511.94
72Steff Beamis509.50
73Nichola Gaines509.30
74Jane Ballinger495.43
75carmen eaton487.56
76Jane Gibbs482.63
77Melanie Grant469.90
78Sally Lawless461.80
79Tonia Smith456.00
80Dagmar Williams436.20
81Ali Shiels432.30
82Sarah Hamilton428.00
83Claire Stock424.80
84Anne Woolley409.40
85Patricia Haskins402.81
86Vanessa Walker402.71
87Becky Clare402.31
88Sandra Deeran401.95
89Sarah Whereat398.10
90Shell Donaldson390.00
91Joanna Lunn383.12
92Heather Nowell373.70
93Caitlin Ward366.50
94Deborah Robb365.70
95Jess Mylroie359.40
96Lana Hannah358.60
97donna batty356.68
98Rosemary Arkell356.60
99Lorraine Holmes353.21
100Kt English353.10
101Paula Needham351.80
102Anne McEwen351.40
103Zoe Morton351.20
104Magda Ibrahim350.74
105Sarah Cottrell346.00
106Keira Lauria346.00
107Kate Tebbett344.11
108Linda Kerry340.16
109Sarah Walton339.20
110Helen Elliott337.32
111Graham Allan335.30
112Sharon ALLAN329.80
113Katie Stepanian329.30
114Jo Whitehead325.40
115Judy Collins323.30
116Karen Arkle320.90
117Sophie Brannan314.20
118Joanna Starkey312.28
119Ashton Davey310.60
120Laura Hill309.00
121Rin Hall303.60
122Helen Hustings303.50
123Becki Davies303.50
124Louise Deitch303.15
125Heather Mclean300.25
126Kali Smith298.20
127Samantha Ogden295.15
128Stephanie Arrowsmith294.20
129Rosie Philbin286.27
130Helen Postle283.30
131Lisa Miller282.50
132Donna Harrison279.90
133Kerry Holding278.00
134Leanne Carter277.21
135debbie smith275.83
136Emma Hill264.00
137Jane Outterson263.70
138Tracey Jones263.52
139Kate Yardley262.18
140Sue SILVESTER257.90
141Angela Bartley254.14
142Amanda Farley248.40
143Do Rollings247.50
144Caitlin Kretzschmar246.40
145Angie Brown245.10
146Telea Watson231.10
147Georgina Bowe227.90
148Sal Jarvis226.20
149Linda Joseph225.30
150Louise Burrell225.10
151Johanna Orton223.60
152Linda Alliband223.10
153Jackie Hughes223.08
154Lauren Eatough221.20
155Tess Watkins217.51
156Joanne Downes217.40
157Felicity Field217.30
158Susan Dick214.50
159Lisa Saint214.00
160Lesley Moore213.20
161Leonie Swindells213.10
162Emma Nash212.40
163Mel Beadle206.80
164Helen McGarry206.50
165Karen Coll205.70
166Nicola Dymond200.35
167Chris Kynaston197.95
168Rowena Parker193.04
169Brenda Young191.80
170Charlotte Cooper189.80
171Gemma Hollingworth180.50
172Philippa Penn180.41
173Beckii Cocking180.08
174Charlotte Garrard179.84
175Emma Sansom179.40
176Sue Jones179.10
177Debbie Dyke175.33
178Louisa Merlock175.10
179Sammi Kendall173.30
180sue saunders173.00
181Angela Duffell167.40
182Kim Watson165.80
183Judy Featherstone165.10
184Sara Maltman165.00
185Mel Whiston165.00
186Andrea Calvesbert161.30
187Barb Kingshott159.05
188Lauren Watts159.00
189Alice Palmer153.36
190Catherine Boyd141.50
191Maureen Green141.29
192Ava Shields138.00
193Rachel Garvey136.30
194Wendy Bunting134.40
195Janina Pitt134.00
196Susan Hollingworth133.30
197Sj Badman131.00
198Sandra Smith129.80
199Sarah Glendenen129.20
200Tamsin James128.58
201Kim Jackson127.10
202Millie Norrie126.70
203Lucy Wright125.50
204Esmé Bews117.20
205nicola Brittle115.71
206Nancy Wolnowsky115.63
207Sharon Bates112.00
208Sarah Hardy111.60
209Ruth Perkes109.30
210Jane Hoare106.00
211Vicky Cooper105.50
212Emma Rayner105.20
213Kelly Trotter103.02
214Holly Richardson98.00
215Kadie Coleman97.90
216Rebecca Hathaway-White97.60
217Kathryn Hulland94.10
218Sarah Worley93.70
219Alyson Jones93.30
220Leanne Underhill90.40
221Kate Duffied90.32
222Zoe Shapcott87.90
223Cheryl Sharp83.65
224Christine Serafini82.81
225Amy Jones82.00
227Amber Wagner80.70
228Vicki Hlisnikowski80.00
229Helen Curley76.79
230Lily Cottrell76.60
231Angela Thyer74.26
232Alison Dockery72.92
233Tara Cooke72.50
234Gemma Marshall72.50
235Hannah Curley71.50
236Susan Bevan71.00
237Dominique Emmanuel70.25
238Harriet Niven69.50
239Amelia Woolley66.60
240Summer Tovey65.70
241Victoria Stevens62.20
242Lisa Trace51.06
243Jennifer Nash51.00
244Rowanna Pollock49.10
245Wilma Wallace48.74
246Molly Armsworth46.40
247Louisa Mardle-Sands46.00
248Jasmine Allen-Mee45.00
249Lily Taylor44.98
250Liz Williams43.95
251Zofia Newton43.00
252Jess Irving41.10
253Vicky Box40.50
254Jenny Parker39.44
255Ailsa McMurtrie38.09
256Sally Brett37.90
257Danielle Hollindale37.90
258Leanne Smith37.61
259Katrina Jenkinson36.61
260Keily Townsend36.00
261Erica Richardson31.00
262Susan Fox29.00
263Brogan Cope28.30
264Hannah Hurst27.60
265Billy-Jo Howe27.30
266Eleanor Williams26.70
267Shannon Mills26.70
268Janene Hamilton26.50
269Jade Wheeler26.20
270Cathryn Burrows25.20
271Alexandra Cluer24.60
272Evelyn Williams23.80
273Ruth Ferris23.40
274Becky Patrick23.10
275Kelly Wylie22.90
276Jan Tucker22.75
277Sacha Furlong22.50
278Crystal Brown22.00
279Emma Moffat21.88
280Grace Bond20.50
281Fiona Richardson20.27
282Julie Beaumont20.20
283Beth Haley19.80
284Ingrid Smith19.30
285Linsey Ellis18.84
286Shona Barrie18.60
287Jess Brown16.20
288Charlotte LITVINSKI15.90
289Charis Donnelly15.80
290olivia fitch14.70
291Rose Boulton12.77
292Dee Fifield12.50
293Poppy Firth12.00
294Jayme-Leigh Daniels12.00
295Ann Smith11.00
296Kerri Morrison10.80
297Melissa Leonard9.87
298Sara Foster9.80
299Julia McAnish9.60
300Rachael Williamson9.00
301Tasha Rogers8.90
302Aria Leonard8.23
303Kelly Allaway8.10
304Alex Searle8.00
305Olive Rosie7.00
306Vicki Holt6.98
307Nicola Jewett6.80
308Sarah Ryan6.58
309Rebecca Middleton6.40
310Melissa Leonard6.01
311Sarah Hills6.00
312Eleanor Hall5.50
313Lillie Abbott5.44
314Claire Bottoms5.00
315Emily Hubbard5.00
316Jess Simm5.00
317Julie McDonald4.50
318Becky Wightman4.00
319Lauren Bates4.00
320Melanie Stamp4.00
321Sian Mann3.50
322Jeorjia Watts3.40
323Clare Prince3.30
324Kylie Cox3.00
325Sarah GILBERY2.70
326Sarah Toyne2.70
327Lauren Wilson2.60

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